Cornville... that lovely place situated upon my right pinky's a lovely i'ts not. I"ve treated it, i've babied it, and it still freaking hurts. I had my skate punched out and that helped a little, but gah...idk...its still bad. So, today i lodged a hockey puck down in it and tied it up to see if that would stretch it out. We'll see what that does. If THAT doesn't work, i'm going to have to go buy a pair of used skate boots that have a bigger toe box or something because i can't skate every day and teach and coach if i can't put skates on my feet. It will not work. We'll see how the hockey puck works....i'm hopeful.
There are two skaters skating right nwo that are clearly synchro had on a Team USA jacket and a Miami university t-shirt so i'm pretty sure she's on the MIami synchro team, which is hella awesome. They are one of hte best synchro teams in the US...actually one of the best in the world, so i'm really enjoying watching these girls skate. I wanna talk to them but dont' want to sound like a geeky fangirl.
I'm kind of amused by just how crowded the rink is today...seriously it's like rush hour out there today. I'm really glad that i'm not skating this session.
I did skate this morning, but yeah...cornville.
I also walked a mile around the track this morning. That was good...except um...yeah my feet keep going numb in my tennis shoes, which sucked alot, but i figure it's just gonna take some getting used to.
All of this working and being at the rink is starting to bother me in regards to the amount of time i'm spending at home. As much as i love working again, I hate not being home . I miss my boyrfiend and I miss the time together and the regularity of chores and the relaxed routine. But, for now, i need the financial help...i need to be able to pay my phone bill and a few other things. I'm hoping to get some private students...that pays muuuuuuuch bettter and if i do get them, that will help too.
I do love being here. I love that my job is mindlessly easy...i mean really easy...i sit here. I take receipts. That's it. i do nothing else...and i can skate when i want. it's kinda cake. I dont' even care that it doesn't pay very pays
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